Episode 60 – Interview with The Financial Healer, Mark Bristow

How damaging can our relationship with money be? Chris, David and Producer Tommo have a chat with Mark Bristow, The Financial Healer, about how we can uncover and challenge our self-limiting beliefs. From great #tightasstommotips to David’s excessive use of Bristol Rovers player names this is a podcast to keep you entertained!

Welcomes and introductions

I’m not that modest 😉 (the quiet one who does all the work – Tammy Devonald)

Initiative for Financial Wellbeing update – Click here for more information about IFW 

What is this podcast all about –

  • An interview with Mark Bristow, author of the book The Financial Healer. Talking about our relationship with money and how it can cause stress and unhappiness.

Tight Ass Tommo

Featuring January weddings, the risks of stalking and takeaway ice cubes! Many thanks to Chris @Ankers43 / Nick Lincoln @HatTipNick / Neil and Sandy Bage

Two old guys reminisce about TVs, with rentals, thefts and wonky aerials.

#tightasstommo Tip of the week – National Trust membership and wellbeing

Mark Bristow Interview

What is financial coaching?

Financial wellbeing and your relationship with money

If you go to a financial coach – make sure they are trained and have experience

“Increase your self worth to increase your net worth”

Mark Bristow

David Lloyd’s reputation precedes him!

Chris and Mark know each other from training days, and although they went different ways, have ended up in similar areas

How did Mark get into financial coaching

NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming

How Mark incorrectly judged himself and found he was in the wrong job – what he did next

Achievement without recognition

When it is all about gaining money, and you gain that money, what then?

Emotional Freedom Technique

Click here to find out more on The Financial Healer book

The book is all about self worth and how to get to your core self-limiting beliefs

How to uncover those self limiting beliefs?

Challenging Self-Limiting Beliefs blog post from Chris

Bruce Lipton & Epigenetics – the biology of belief

External sources play a large part in forming our beliefs when young, and we seek to support them. What memory is causing our belief? How can we rework the memory with a positive outcome?

Marks childhood memory creating a mistaken belief, and how it followed him into adulthood

The ‘there’s someting missing’ conundrum

Believing in ourselves

What one thinkg can we do differently? Catch a negative view and ask yourself, is it true?

If you would like to purchase a copy of The Financial Wellbeing Book please click on this link to visit Penny Brohn UK shop

Conclusions from the guys

How writers come up with names

“If we talk to friends like we talk to ourselves we wouldn’t have many friends”

Know thyself

Click here for more information on Mark Bristow

By | 2020-03-23T13:04:32+00:00 March 23rd, 2020|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 60 – Interview with The Financial Healer, Mark Bristow

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