Episode 61 – Coping With Anxiety During Lockdown with Nick Elston

We have a very special interim podcast for you. Special guest Nick Elston is back for a chat with Chris Budd to talk about anxiety and our well-being during the pandemic lockdown. The two talk about what you can do when stuck at home worried or anxious in order to improve your mental well-being.

Welcomes and Introductions

Click here to listen to Episode 55 – Overcoming Anxiety with Nick Elston

Nick Elston is a public speaker and talks about anxiety from personal experience

  • Survival mode – we will get through this
  • Evolution mode – adapting to be stronger from this situation

We don’t know what the future holds, each day we are creating a new reality together

Focus on what we can do today

Our control has been taken away?

New dynamics of homeworking

The courage to set boundaries – to be left alone

Definition and understanding of of introvert/extrovert

Positive mental wellbeing

Why is it important to keep in contact at the moment?

There is empowerment with us all being in this together and learning as we go

How are you feeling right now?

Feeling the fear at a subconscious level, leaving us tired as we spend energy on this worry

Why we need to keep moving

Tell people how you are feeling – get the help you need in order to give back to others

Feeling Thankful


  • be proactive
  • schedule time
  • personal development

Finding Time

  • ring-fence time for yourself and /or spending time with your partner

Every storm runs out of rain

Nick Elston

Things may not go back to what they once were – we have a chance to make the world a better place

Thank you for listening to The Financial Wellbeing Podcast – Stay safe and keep well

We have over 60 podcasts for you to listen to whilst at home, why not have a listen to these –

Episode 54 – Mental Wellbeing & Money (Further help with worry and anxiety)

Episode 50 – Wellbeing and Writing with Amanda Prowse (If not now, when? Some inspiration to start writing that book!)

Episode 31 – Dealing with Financial Shocks (This lockdown has been a shock on finances)

By | 2020-04-09T19:11:38+00:00 April 10th, 2020|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 61 – Coping With Anxiety During Lockdown with Nick Elston

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