Episode 74 – Interview with Ash Phillips

Whilst it is easier than ever to become and entrepreneur, there are still barriers to creating a successful business. The guys chat with special guest Ash Phillips, founder of Dffrnt, and explore how to find the right investors for your vision. With the brilliant Bage’s Biases and #TightAssTommo tips, after five years the Financial Wellbeing Podcast still going strong 💪

Welcomes & Introductions

🎈🎊 Happy 5th Birthday to The Financial Wellbeing Podcast 🎊🎈

We want to thank each of you, our listeners, for giving our podcast a chance and helping us grow. We appreciate the comments, feedback, and most of all, we love the ongoing conversations happening about financial wellbeing.

Here’s to five more 🥂 

What is today’s podcast all about?

Guest interview with Ash Phillips, founder of Dffrnt – a community for founders and creators. The chat is all about democratising entrepreneurship and helping young people with start up businesses find the right investors for their idea.

Bage’s Biases

Every episode, Behavioural Finance expert, Neil Bage, is going to be giving us his money behavioural tips. We are hardwired to make bad decisions about money because we have biases built into us from our experiences through life. We will keep hearing from Neil to help us recognise some of these behavioural biases and hopefully lead us to making better financial decisions.

– Link to Episode 36 – Understanding our attitude to risk
– Link to Episode 21 – Financial capability
– Link to Bitesize Behaviour Podcast

This episode – Hindsight Bias


Featuring scorned lovers and disgruntled friends

Today’s topic – The best time to start searching for car insurance renewal quotes

Interview with Ash Phillips

Democratising entrepreneurship

There is more awareness of becoming an entrepreneur for a career, yet there are still a lot of perceived barrier to access

The main blockages to a new start up business

Access to networks – “its not what you know, its who you know”

The cycles of business fundraising

Socio-economic divide that stops access to investors

What are ‘angel investors’


Those with experience helping out those just starting

3 myth busing tips about starting your own business

  • Impostor syndrome
  • Sell something!
  • Finding the right investor

Click here for more information about Dffrnt and the support it offers to help start and grow new business

Conclusions from the guys

Do you have any financial wellbeing questions you would like us to answer? Or do you have a #tightasstommo money saving tip you would like to share with our listeners?

If so, let us know by going to Twitter @Finwellbeing or email – contact@financialwell-being.co.uk

If you would like to purchase a copy of The Financial Wellbeing Book please click on this link to visit Penny Brohn UK shop

By | 2021-05-27T13:43:55+00:00 May 28th, 2021|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 74 – Interview with Ash Phillips

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