Episode 112 – 100 Year Life with Dr Tom Mathar

Join us for another insightful episode of The Financial Wellbeing Podcast. We dive deep into the challenges of financial planning in a world where we’re living longer than ever. Dr Tom Mathar from Aegon’s behavioral research department chats with the guys – exploring strategies for balancing today’s financial needs with the demands of a longer future whilst achieving financial wellbeing throughout. As ever TightAssTommo shares some tongue in cheek money saving tips, this time involving Norway and pizza!

Welcomes & Introductions

Want to read Chris Budd’s Financial Wellbeing books? Take a look here
Fancy a chat with Tom Morris and the team at Ovation? Contact details here

What’s on Today’s Podcast?

Following on from our previous episode on life longevity in Blue Zones, a chat with Dr Tom Mathar of the behavioural research department at Aegon. Aegon are big supporters of the Institute for Financial Wellbeing.

Tight Ass Tommo

Where to buy alcohol in Norway

What to do with pizza leftovers

Interview with Dr Tom Mathar

Episode 36 – Understanding our Attitude to Risk with Neil Bage

We are living longer and facing a withdrawal from the state along with a rise in AI changing the working environment faster than ever.

Life planning and financial planning are harder than ever before

We are living longer, but not earning longer – the challenge of funding longer lives

The trade off between financial security now v financial security in the future

Connecting with our future selves – Episode 98 – Your Future Self with Hal Hershfield

Long term mental time horizon

The trade offs to consider

Episode 32 – Getting Out of Debt with Maria Nedeva

The differences between financial wellbeing v financial independence

Visit the Aegon website for further information

Conclusions from the Guys

The worry of care home fees (a topic we have covered at Ovation Finance, click here to read The Emotional Journey of Caring for Elderly Parents pt 1)

Performance and wellness maximiser

Internationally experienced customer and behaviour researcher. Currently leading initiatives of Aegon’s Centre for Behavioural Research where we identify tools, techniques, rules-of-thumb and other interventions that help people make better long-term decisions – considering money and mindset.

Connect with Dr Tom on LinkedIn here

By | 2024-08-29T14:31:47+01:00 August 29th, 2024|Podcast|Comments Off on Episode 112 – 100 Year Life with Dr Tom Mathar

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