The Financial Wellbeing Workshop helps employees to use their finances and create plans based around increasing their happiness. Read all the latest reviews of the Financial Wellbeing Workshop.
Please get in touch if you would like to arrange a Financial Wellbeing Workshop.

“makes you wake up and look at yourself, gives you the push to look at your finances and not just live day to day!”
“Very enlightening talk and novel way at looking at finances in comparison to wellbeing. Interesting to consider all aspects of wellbeing too, not just finance. Has made me think about what I want and need!”
“I’m really bad with money – because I never have it! But felt the presenter and his ethos to be refreshing and optimistic. Great to hear a broader appreciation for the world and society at large, rather than purely corporate/financial concerns!”
“It would be great to do a diluted version for teens/young adults. Wish I’d learnt these tools at a younger age/earlier stage of my career”
“excellent, concise and well-targeted”
“A very interesting and thought-provoking presentation. A good deal of pointers to use in my personal financial planning”
“Great presentation, I’m going to go home and get my husband on board!”
“I really enjoyed the presentation as it made me realise the steps I can take towards creating a financial wellbeing, for myself and things I could suggest to family and friends”
“thought-provoking and will push me to sort my finances”
“being aware that you don’t always need money to be happy in life”
“a plethora of options and ideas for financial planning related to taking away stress”